manufacture & supplier
The Nature-Derived Material for Safe and Secure Food Manufacturing
Shenguan as a Pioneer
Collagen has been attracting a great deal of attention from various fields including foods, medicines and pharmaceuticals, and cosmetics. We, Shenguan, are known today in China as the very first manufacturer who has successfully commercialized the edible casing for sausage made from collagen.
Cutting Edge Technology
Our collagen casing business began in the wake of Dr. Nishihara’s discovery of solubilization technology of collagen fiber which had long been considered insoluble. Patent application was submitted in 1960, and our casing manufacture and sales later fully launched in 1970. It was only rational that this nature-derived material was seen fit for food application, and thus caught a tremendous amount of attention from the food industries.
Tradition and Innovation
While the excellent machinability and reliability of our collagen casing started to be recognized, we have always strived in research and development in an effort to embody the quality-oriented mind of our company in our products. As a result, we have been able to expand our sales to overseas while at the same time solidifying a dominant position in the domestic market. However, we will never satisfy with our current position and continuously go forward and beyond in meeting our customer’s demands.
Advantages of the Shenguan Casing
Unmatched Versatility: Shenguan Casings are suitable for all types of sausages (cooked, fresh, dry sausages, etc.)
Great Uniformity: Consistency in both wall thickness and caliber diameter eliminates give-away due to over/under-weight links thus achieving higher yield
Excellent Machinability: Together with great uniformity, extra strength makes Shenguan Casing
the most trouble-free casing; the most cost-effective of its kinds
Tender Bite: Shenguan Casing adds a tender and superb bite to your sausage which contributes
to good reception of your products by a wide range of consumers